Black Light Stencils Enable Quick, High Quality Hidden Pictures
Hidden ultra-violet (UV) pictures can require hours of preparation. Gloria Kohlmann has developed stencil designs that aid quick layout of high quality UV pictures that will astound viewers. Each sturdy white vinyl stencil includes step-by-step written instructions, a color photo of the completed black light picture, a UV tracing crayon, and a list of the best UV chalk colors for the drawing.
“I have created stencil sets to save you time for your invisible UV pictures. They are each on a 12×16” sturdy vinyl sheet.The stencils are cut in such a way that the highlight area to be chalked in peels up.”
Whole Stencil is 12″x16″ Durable White Vinyl
Stencils can be reversed or turned for alternate views.
THEY WILL REDUCE THE TIME IT TAKES TO DRAW invisible UV pictures. Subjects include the popular Profile Jesus Face and The Suffering Face most often used at Easter time. Proceeds benefit the ministry of MGI, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit arts organization dedicated to serving the arts and the artist’s outreach in the community.
There are 2 designs available: the Suffering Face Design and the Profile Design. Please call to discuss as stencils have to be ordered to be cut ahead of time.No rush orders on these, they are made out of state.
They cost $25 each plus 15% for shipping and handling.
Email for details on how to order:
Or call: 407-927-3527
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